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Article R1233-10 of the French Public Health Code

Each year, health establishments authorised to carry out organ removal for therapeutic purposes send the Director General of the Regional Health Agency and the Director General of the Biomedicine Agency the information required to evaluate their activity, in accordance with the procedures specified by order of the Minister for Health issued after consultation with the Director General of the Biomedicine Agency. These establishments shall also send the Director General of…

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Article R1233-11 of the French Public Health Code

Independently of the authorisation provided for in article R. 1233-2, health establishments wishing to carry out organ procurement as referred to in the second paragraph of article R. 1232-4-1, shall define the resources they undertake to make available for this activity by means of an agreement with the Agence de la biomédecine. This agreement also defines the content and frequency of the information that they must transmit to this agency…

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Article R1233-13 of the French Public Health Code

The health establishments mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 1233-1 which are not authorised to remove organs define, by means of an agreement with the establishments authorised to carry out these removals, the terms and conditions of their participation in a removal network. These agreements are forwarded to the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine.

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Article D1234-1 of the French Public Health Code

The provisions of article L. 1243-1 are applicable to bone marrow. For the application of these provisions to bone marrow, the issue of the authorisation referred to in Article L. 1243-1 is subject to the conditions set out in Article L. 1243-5.

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Article R1234-2 of the French Public Health Code

Health establishments authorised to perform organ transplants must take the necessary steps to ensure that all documents relating to the transplant are kept for thirty years after the transplant. In the case of international exchanges of organs, the Agence de la biomédecine is also responsible for keeping these documents.

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Article R1235-1 of the French Public Health Code

The preservation and preparation of organs for scientific purposes are governed by the provisions of Section 2 of Chapter III of Title IV of this Book. These activities include the creation and use of collections of human biological samples as defined in article L. 1243-3, including when these collections are created and used for genetic research purposes.

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Article R1235-3 of the French Public Health Code

Any import or export of organs, excluding transit, is subject to the following information being affixed to the package: 1° The words: “elements or products of human origin” ; 2° The designation of the organ, mentioning, where applicable, whether it is a right or left organ; 3° The purpose or purposes, as referred to in Articles L. 1211-1 and L. 1235-1, for which the organ is intended; 4° For import,…

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Article R1235-4 of the French Public Health Code

Any establishment or organisation that imports or exports organs for therapeutic purposes, including biomedical research within the meaning of article L. 1121-1, must not disclose any information that could identify the donor or recipient of an organ.

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