Article L2446-1 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of Title VI of Book I of this part of the Public Health Code are applicable in New Caledonia and French Polynesia as amended by Law no. 2021-1017 of 2 August 2021.
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The provisions of Title VI of Book I of this part of the Public Health Code are applicable in New Caledonia and French Polynesia as amended by Law no. 2021-1017 of 2 August 2021.
I.-Chapters II and III of Title II of Book II are applicable in New Caledonia and French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in this chapter. II -Article L. 2222-2 is applicable in the version resulting from Law No. 2016-41 of 26 January 2016 on the modernisation of our healthcare system. Article L. 2223-2 is applicable in the version resulting from Law No. 2017-347 of 20 March 2017 relating…
For their application in New Caledonia and French Polynesia : 1° 3° of article L. 2222-2 is replaced by the following provisions: 3° In a place other than a health establishment satisfying the conditions laid down by locally applicable regulations having the same purpose. 2° In article L. 2223-1 and in the first paragraph of article L. 2223-2, the words: “by articles L. 2212-3 to L. 2212-8” are replaced by…
Vaccination policy is drawn up by the Minister of Health, who lays down the conditions for immunisation, sets out the necessary recommendations and publishes the vaccination calendar after obtaining the opinion of the Haute Autorité de Santé (French Health Authority). A decree may, in the light of changes in the epidemiological situation and medical and scientific knowledge, suspend the obligations set out in articles L. 3111-2 to L. 3111-4, L….
I.-The following vaccinations are compulsory, unless there is a recognised medical contraindication, under age conditions determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat, issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de santé (French National Authority for Health): 1° Antidiphtheria; 2° Antitetanus; 3° Antipoliomyelitis; 4° Pertussis; 5° Invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infections; 6° Hepatitis B virus; 7° Against invasive pneumococcal infections; 8° Against serogroup C meningococcus; 9° Against measles; 10° Against…
Thanatopractors undergoing practical training and practising must be vaccinated against hepatitis B, unless they are currently infected or have been previously infected. Proof of vaccination or contraindication is attached to the application for training or authorisation to practise, under conditions guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information provided, as defined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat. The occupational physician shall ensure that employed thanatopractors meet the conditions mentioned in the first…
A person who, in a public or private institution or organisation providing preventive care or housing for the elderly, carries out a professional activity that exposes him or her or the persons for whom he or she is responsible to risks of contamination must be immunised against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza. People working in medical laboratories must be immunised against typhoid fever. A decree issued by the…
Any compulsory vaccination carried out under the conditions defined in this chapter must be the subject of a declaration by the doctor or midwife who carried it out, the terms and content of which shall be laid down by decree. This decree also lays down the procedures for transmitting to the National Public Health Agency the information required to evaluate the vaccination policy. If the person vaccinated has a health…
Vaccination against yellow fever is compulsory, unless medically contraindicated, for anyone aged over one year and living or staying in French Guiana.
Without prejudice to any actions which may be brought in accordance with ordinary law, full compensation for any loss or damage directly attributable to a compulsory vaccination carried out under the conditions referred to in this Title shall be provided by the National Office for Compensation for Medical Accidents, Iatrogenic Diseases and Nosocomial Infections set up under article L. 1142-22, on the basis of national solidarity. The Office will arrange…
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