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Article L850 of the French Public Health Code

For the purposes of this provision, sick leave and the leave referred to in articles L. 880 and L. 881 are considered as service completed. The administration retains complete freedom to stagger leave. It may also object, if the interests of the service so require, to any splitting of leave. Employees with family responsibilities are given priority as far as possible in the choice of annual leave periods. Leave due…

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Article R1110-1 of the French Public Health Code

Professionals involved in the care of the same person may, in application of article L. 1110-4, exchange or share information relating to the person being cared for, subject to a twofold limit: 1° Only information that is strictly necessary for the coordination or continuity of care, for prevention, or for the medico-social and social monitoring of the said person ; 2° The scope of their missions.

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Article R1110-2 of the French Public Health Code

Professionals likely to exchange or share information relating to the same person receiving care belong to the following two categories: 1° The healthcare professionals mentioned in Part Four of this Code, whatever their mode of practice; 2° Professionals in the following sub-categories: a) Social service assistants mentioned inarticle L. 411-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles ; b) Osteopaths, chiropractors, psychologists and psychotherapists who are not health…

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Article R1110-3 of the French Public Health Code

I. – Any professional in one of the categories in article R. 1110-2 wishing to exchange information relating to a person receiving care, under the terms of II of article L. 1110-4, with a professional in the other category, shall inform the person concerned in advance, firstly of the nature of the information to be exchanged, and secondly either of the identity of the recipient and the category to which…

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Article D1110-3-1 of the French Public Health Code

When a person is cared for by a professional in one of the categories of professionals mentioned in article R. 1110-2 and who is not part of the care team within the meaning of article L. 1110-12, this professional obtains the person’s consent to share this data in accordance with the following conditions: 1° The person and, where applicable, his or her legal representative, is duly informed, taking into account…

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Article D1110-3-2 of the French Public Health Code

The prior information provided to the data subject is evidenced by the fact that the professional who obtained the consent provides the data subject with a written document, which may be in electronic form, containing this information. This document indicates the effective procedures for exercising the person’s rights as well as those relating to the processing of the information collected, in application of the law of 6 January 1978 relating…

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Article D1110-3-3 of the French Public Health Code

Consent is obtained by each professional mentioned in Article D. 1110-3-1, by any means, including in electronic form, except where this is impossible or urgent. In this case, consent is collected when the person is once again able or in a position to consent to the sharing of information concerning him or her. This is noted in the patient’s medical record. Consent is valid until withdrawn by any means, including…

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Article D1110-3-4 of the French Public Health Code

The cooperation, shared practice or health or medico-social coordination structures referred to in 1° of Article L. 1110-12 are as follows: 1° Regional hospital groupings ; 2° Inter-hospital medical federations; 3° When their purpose is the coordinated medical care of individuals, health cooperation groups and social and medico-social cooperation groups, as well as public interest groups and economic interest groups; 4° Health centres; 5° Private practice companies and any other…

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Article R1110-3-5 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The healthcare professional or the professional from the medico-social or social sector mentioned in III bis of article L. 1110-4 and who belongs to one of the categories listed in article R. 1110-2 may exchange, with the persons mentioned in this same III bis and practising within a structure mentioned in article R. 1110-3-6, information relating to a wounded soldier or former soldier and strictly necessary for his/her support. II…

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Article R1110-3-6 of the French Public Health Code

The structures referred to in III bis of article L. 1110-4 are: 1° The pensions and occupational risks department of the Ministry of Defence; 2° The structures set up within the Ministry of Defence to provide assistance to injured members of the armed forces and attached units referred to respectively in articles L. 3211-1 and L. 3211-1-1 of the Defence Code; 3° L’Office national des anciens combattants et victimes de…

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